You know how much I love FIF! If you have never joined in the editing fun- head over to I Heart Faces right now and check it out!
Here’s the deal….I did not take this photo. IHF puts up a photo every Friday and we (me, you, and anyone else who cares to join in) take a stab at “fixing” it. Then we all share our “fixes”. It’s easy and FUN and very helpful. It’s neat to see how different all of the edits are. I always find things I wuld never even have thought of.
So, again, todays photo was super cute already and really did not need too much. I did my fix in CS5. First thing I did was a creative crop to bring the little guy a bit closer and to add a bit of interest. Then I adjusted levels, curves, and saturation nust a smidge. Then I sharpened the whole thing just a teensy bit, and VOILA! I like the finished product! Let me know what you think by leaving me a comment. And hey! While you are here…I just started a FB biz page and would LOVE some “like-ers”! head over there and like me if you do (like me that is).
This is the “before” pic.

And after my edit…..

And a fun little comparison bar!